
Infographics and Charts

I've made thousands of charts and graphs to convey messages or to present data. Most of those were pretty boring, but some deserve attention.
Here are a few examples.

  • Web Banners Gif
  • A set of maps that I did. I started with a 3d map, but as the branding platform for Western Union had changed, I had to change to a flat design.
    #Graphic Design #UI #Illustration #Infographic

  • SynAnt Mobile app
  • This was a request to create a timeline visual for the moving process. I suggested two options and the one that is cleaner and easier to digest went through.
    #Graphic Design #UI #Illustration #Infographic

  • SynAnt Mobile app
  • This was an infographic of the internal Creative agency, its expansion and how it helps to save money for the company
    #Graphic Design #UI #Illustration #Infographic

  • SynAnt Mobile app
  • This visual was done specifically for the brochure. I tried to do some flat design that is simple so that evan complicated paths are easy to undertand
    #Graphic Design #UI #Illustration #Infographic